Date Born: November 28,1985
Height: 153 cm
Weight: 49 kilos
Religion: Roman Catholic
Ever married? No
Current marital status? Single
Do you have any children? No
If yes, are they Boys or Girls, and their ages?
Your Education Level completed? BSN-College Graduate
Languages Spoken: English, Tagalog, Cebuano
(Please rate your English proficiency/fluency level as poor/fair/good/excellent) Good
Do you Work? Yes
If yes, then doing what? Private Duty Nurse
Describe yourself : I am friendly, have a sense of humor, loyal, compassionate, trustworthy, kind to others, humble, giving without expecting in return, good listener, forgiving, knowledgeable and lovable.
Do you smoke? No
Do you drink alcohol? Yes (occasionally)
Your Likes: I like surprises even in a little way.
Your Dislikes: Unfaithful partner
Your Hobbies: Playing volleyball and badminton, watching news, and reading books.
Complete this sentence, and list the characteristics and qualities that you wish a man to have: God-fearing, caring, respectful, loving and family-oriented. I'm seeking a good man who is about 30 to 45 years old who is single and has no children.
What religion do you prefer a man to be? Catholic
Do you prefer a nonsmoking man? Yes
Do you prefer a nondrinking man? Yes
Your Comments: I knew this Filipina dating site through my college friend who was a member and found her MAN. I’m hoping to find my MAN in this site. Thank you and God bless!
Province? Southern Leyte
Date Profile Added? September 18, 2013
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